Change your mindset to transform your reality.

  • Data Jelly? 2017

    Sitting in a White House committee on artificial intelligence on the moon, the atmosphere was part sci-fi, part performance art, and part future biotech, all converging into the realm of quantum possibilities. It must have soaked into my subconscious. That night I woke up, sitting upright, and shouting: “jellyfish are the future of our data storage”

  • Why Quanta? 2021

    I gravitate towards quanta because they offered a unique intersection of my passions for science, technology, and art. Quanta represented the cutting-edge of scientific discovery. Breaking the binary with more than either/or or 1/0. Abstract and the tangible coalesce in a dance of energy and potential. A bridge between the known and the unknown, a space where I can explore and create at the frontier of human knowledge.

  • Mt. Vesuvius: 1984

    As a small child, I often carried around this magazine — an edition of the Pompeii ruins where a whole community was extinguished by the power of a volcano - Mt Vesuvius. It is a reminder of the timeless spirit that lives on beyond our understanding. In my quest to explore these mysteries, I began crafting jewelry that not only sparkled from within the ruins of my hometown Detroit — but also served as a capsule for the mindset and consciousness I believed could transcend the boundaries of our material world.

  • One-of-a-Kind Universe Slices: 2023 and Beyond

    My desire is to bestow upon everyone not just material possessions, but everything you truly need. Through this journey, I came to understand that these needs transcended the realm of materialism; the most profound gift was the gift of a new mindset. And sometimes something small and beautiful can be enough. A tangible, portable, and grounding token - to serve as your mindset shift reminder.

  • Quality

    Quality is the harmony of thought and expression, the profound simplicity that transforms complexity into genius.

  • Adventure

    Adventure is the uncharted territory of growth, where risks become stepping stones and challenges become opportunities for transformation

  • Love

    Love is the user experience of life, a seamless interface that enriches every interaction and adds meaning to our existence.

  • Grace

    Grace is the debugging of misunderstandings, the effort that transforms conflicts into opportunities for empathy and resolution.